Rebbe Nachman’s Advice: Money and Livelihood 18-20


18. The whole body of Torah law dealing with business affairs is relevant to practical business activity. Anyone who wishes to conduct his business with faith and honesty must be expert in all the laws of business in order not to slip up in any of them (Likutey Moharan I, 35:6.).

19. A person who genuinely wants to conduct his business with faith and honesty must guard his faith very carefully from any possible flaw. He must be as scrupulous as Rav Safra (see Makkot 24a), and he must “speak the truth in his heart” (Psalms 15:2). Even if he merely decided something in his heart, he must not change it later on. If he guards his faith carefully, his soul and intellect will be refreshed and renewed through his faith (ibid. I, 35:7).

20. When a person conducts his business with faith and honesty, it is as precious as the daily offerings and incense brought in the Holy Temple, which caused the husks to fall away and all the sparks of holiness trapped within them to ascend. His mind is elevated and refreshed, and it. is accounted as if the Holy Temple had been rebuilt in his time (ibid. I, 35:8).