Time: 8 PM (EST) 5 PM (PST)
Date: Wednesday, Aug. 19; Aug. 26; Sept. 2
Level: All (This course will be use a Hebrew text that will be translated to English)
Instructor: Yossi Katz
Text: Likutey Moharan, 6
Nothing motivates us more than feeling we are important. But does that leave room for God? In this three part mini-series, we will discuss Rebbe Nachman’s famous lesson, Likutey Moharan 6, studied and applied by all Breslover Chassidim during the month of Elul.
We will explore:
- Personal grandeur vs. Godly attachment
- How to handle personal insult while retaining self-worth
- Why our struggles are essential opportunities for ego refinement
- The spiritual law of opposites
Be prepared for an Elul journey that will change your perception of this special time of year.