Meshivat Nefesh #20
Sometimes the circumstances of my life brings me into contact with people who can act as negative influences on me. They might not be interested in living lives of spiritual integrity, or they might be coarse and unrefined in their thinking, speech and action. But if my Creator has brought me into contact with them—whether it’s for business reasons, or family reasons, or because of where I live or any other cause—it was His intention that I hold my own no matter what influence they might bring to bear on me.
The main thing, then, is to always remind myself of the unique, beautiful, and precious holiness of my Jewish soul. And to always pray that G-d preserve it, no matter where He sends me.
Please help me to always feel
the beauty and glory
of my own soul.
Please give me the strength
to protect it and empower it
in every situation,
and guard it like the apple of Your eye.
(Based on Likutey Moharan I:244)