Join us for BRI Women’s retreats & Shabbatons with exciting speakers, engaging workshops, and wonderful, like-minded participants. BRI Women retreats offer inspiration, relaxation, delicious food in beautiful settings.
Last year’s weekend retreat and Shabbaton featured acclaimed speaker Rabbi Jonathan Rietti (“My Emotions & Me: Who’s the Boss?”).
Also featured was Chaya Rivka Zwolinski, Director, BRI Women & Teacher and Consultant to, and BreslovCampus (“The Lost Art of Contemplative Writing Workshop”, “Preparing for the New Year with Rebbe Nachman’s Stories”, “Jewish Meditation Workshop”).
The Shabbaton was Hosted by Rabbi Yossi Katz, Director, and Mrs. Fraidy Katz & Family, Breslov Research Institute and (“Teshuvah, Breslov Style”, “Shabbat Shalom”)
To find out more about our retreats or to host a Shabbaton in your town call 347-471-1098 or email [email protected].