Have you ever been to a Breslov shul? If so, you may have noticed that at some points in prayer, individuals or even the entire congregation, may clap their hands. Hand clapping is one of the special mystical practices that Rebbe Nachman taught his followers. In The Secrets Of Hand Clapping, Reb Meir Elkabas will discuss three lessons on how clapping your hands during prayer may change your life!
Topics include:
- 28 letters of creation are in the hands
- Air of the Land of Israel
- Clap your hands and destroy idolatry and atheism
- The connection between clapping hands and speech
- Hand clapping in prayer improves memory
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Sundays, 10:00 AM EST – 5:00 PM Israel Time (1 Hour)
Sundays, January 20 through March 10
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Meir Elkabas
Kitzur Likutey Moharan (Abridged LM), Lessons 44, 45, 46