Home Faith Spiritual Economics

Spiritual Economics

by Yehudis Golshevsky
Rebbe Nachman of Breslov taught…

When a person “provides” for G-d with his prayers, G-d, in turn, provides for him his sustenance.
(Likutey Moharan I:9)


What does this mean to me?
The use of the terms “provide” when talking about our relationship with G-d can’t be understood superficially, since it is clear that we don’t have the power to give anything to G-d that He doesn’t already possess, nor does He require anything that we could possible give. However, there is one means through which we are able to make our contribution. By willingly seeking out connection with G-d, especially through prayer, we activate our free will and do our part in carrying out the purpose of creation. Since the universe was created because G-d sought to make for Himself “a dwelling place in the lower worlds”—to have G-dly awareness illuminate places where it is not obvious—we also have a role to play.


A prayer:

Please, G-d, send us our livelihood
Before we are in need.

Grant it with plenty and in an upright way,
Easily and honorably,
So that we do not have to rely on others.

In Your mercy, give us all we need
So that we are able to fulfill Your will.

(Between me and You, p. 76)

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