Perfect peace is achieved by making peace between two opposites, just as God makes peace in His high places between Fire and Water!

The real meaning of peace is to bring together two opposites. So, you shouldn’t be annoyed when you come across someone who is the exact opposite of yourself. Even if his viewpoint is the exactly opposite of yours, don’t be put off. Don’t assume you’ll never be able to live amicably with such a person. Similarly, if you see two types of people who are completely opposite types, don’t decide that it’s impossible to make peace between them. Quite the contrary! Perfect peace is achieved by making peace between two opposites, just as God makes peace in His high places between Fire and Water, which are two opposites (Advice, Peace 10).

Elsewhere, Reb Noson writes: Aharon, the High Priest, was the personification of peace. He pursued peace and sought to spread harmony through all of Israel. When a couple would have marital difficulties, Aharon would seek to mediate. He would go to the husband and explain the wife’s position and then explain the husband’s position to the wife, until he succeeded in bringing them back together again. (Domestic problems existed even then!) He would do the same when neighbors disagreed. For his peacekeeping efforts, Aharon merited the priesthood for himself and his descendants (Likutey Halakhot, Netilat Yadayim li’Seudah 6:59).

Aharon, the High Priest, was the personification of peace. He pursued peace and sought to spread harmony through all of Israel!

Therefore, it is by no means coincidental that the Sages incorporated the Priestly Blessing (Numbers 6:24-26) into the daily service precisely in the place of the Amidah prayer where we ask for peace. Nor is it surprising that the Blessing itself concludes: “May God turn His countenance to you and grant you PEACE” (Ibid., Avadim 2:12).

With each day that dawns, universal peace seems further and further away. Yet, our Prophets foresaw the time when Mashiach will come and bring this longed-for peace to the world. It is up to us to strengthen ourselves in faith, prayer, joy and Torah study, as well as in friendship, kindness and consideration. Look for the good points in ourselves and in others and intensify our search for the truth. By doing this, we will merit the coming of Mashiach, the rebuilding of the Temple and the ingathering of all the exiles, speedily in our days. Amen.

(Taken from the book Crossing the Narrow Bridge: A Practical Guide to Rebbe Nachman’s Teachings – chapter 10 – Peace)