Springtime is for Feeling Fantastic!

Springtime is for Feeling Fantastic!

Ladies, Pesach is behind us, and spring is upon us. The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and the flowers are blooming. You know what that means?

Ladies, Pesach is behind us, and spring is upon us. The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and the flowers are blooming. You know what that means… It is time to clean out the INSIDE of the body and shine and blossom like the rest of creation!

All those winter comfort foods, and on top of them last week’s matza, matza meal and potato flour  – it all has to GO. That is if you would like radiant health and high energy, AKA to grow younger and feel fantastic. Springtime is the optimal time to embark upon this project.

It is time to clean out the INSIDE of the body and shine and blossom like the rest of creation!

In my work of helping women feel lighter and grow younger, my main advice is the daily juicing and smoothie habit, lots of water and lots of greens – all of which serve to purge the waste, toxins and mucus clogging up your internal pipes and fogging up your brain. Constipation and clogging up of the pipes and organs is the main reason people do not feel good and look old before their time. Built up waste matter sucks away your energy, life force and your inner radiance that would normally shine forth through your skin.

Move it on out!

Take back your energy, radiance, youthfulness, and vitality. Health is your Divine right and gift, don’t let it slip away for ice coffees and refined carbs addictions.

Focus most on what to get rid of, rather than some magical supplements to add. Clearing your internal pipes (23 feet of small and large intestines) as well as your organs of filtration (kidneys and liver) is where the real magic is at.

Life can get better and better and you can grow younger

Life can get better and you can grow younger

Drink 2 liters of water every day. Drink some of it with a squeeze of fresh lemon juice and a pinch of grey or pink salt.

Drink at least 1 liter of a smoothie and/or fresh vegetable juice daily.

Smoothie: blend on high 1.5 cups of water or coconut water or freshly squeezed orange juice, two dates, 2 TBS coconut oil, 2 TBS almond butter, 1 tsp of a green powder (wheatgrass, chlorella, etc.), and frozen berries.

Vegetable juice: put through your juicer 3 stalks celery, 2 cucumbers, 1 apple, bunch of parsley. If you do not have a juicer (I recommend the Breville), place vegetables in a blender with a cup of water. Blend, strain, drink.

For faster results, add probiotics, a detox tea, and a colon cleansing formula to the above.

In addition, eat lots of whole fruit and salads with lots of greens and sprouts. Move your body outside. Recharge your battery with sunshine! Take some deep breaths of fresh air. Go to bed early – by 10pm. Stretch. Get a massage. Smell the flowers. Enjoy creation in its peak bloom!

Ladies – life can get better and you can grow younger. Your best days are ahead of you.

Take care of yourself. Stay in gratitude for the amazing body Hashem has gifted you. You can get healthy and stay healthy. The doorway is your choices. Now is the time.

Happy spring cleaning!