Stay in the Light

Chanukah was pretty physically exhausting. If you’re feeling the same way, I have some tips for you!

Hi Ladies! How are you all doing post Chanukah? I do hope that it was spiritually uplifting for you and yours!

I would love to prolong the spiritual light emanated on Chanukah as well as rejuvenate myself physically because quite frankly, Chanukah was pretty physically exhausting. If you’re feeling the same way, I have some tips!

To continue the flowing of light from Chanukah, focus on simplicity, pure emuna in Hashem – and that includes His timing 😊, being truthful, clarity, becoming dedicated to Hashem and the truth, and nullifying your will to His will.

Focus on the things you love and your gratitude to Hashem for them. For me, this includes health, livelihood, the cool weather, rain, fresh air, evergreen trees, the wind, the birds chirping, quiet morning contemplation, truth seeking, seeing how everything is one, walking outside and feeling the sun on my face, focusing on emuna-filled thoughts, picking lemons from my lemon trees, and drinking almond-date-banana smoothies.

To continue the flowing of light from Chanukah, focus on simplicity, pure emuna in Hashem – and that includes His timing!

By Tuning into what gives you joy and giving gratitude to Hashem for it, you autuomatically tune into the Endless Light of Hashem. Your spiritual battery is once again charged. Your spirit becomes full. You are not only focused on the physical here and now but on netzach, eternity, as well. Which in turn positively affects your here and now. It’s a nice little circuitous system.

When we integrate the above, isn’t that the greatest treasure? Let’s continue to shine bright even after Chanukah!

Focus on the things you love and your gratitude to Hashem for them!

Focus on the things you love and your gratitude to Hashem for them!

Now for taking care of ourselves physically. I’ts getting colder out there and Chanukah may have been exhausting for you. Do not forget to take care of yourself phsycally. Even just a few minutes a day can make a significant difference. I have some suggestions below. Feel free to pick just one but make sure you do it every day. I hope they are helpful to you as they are to me!

  1. Deep breathing for calming the nerves:

Inhale through your nose for a count of seven. Hold for seven. Exhale through your nose for a count of seven. Repeat 3 – 5 times.


  1. Eat real food that came straight from the earth – fruits, vegetables, leafy greens, sprouts, nuts and seeds. Get filled with fresh energy from the earth!


  1. Calm your mind with this acupressure point: press your temples with your index finger for one minute while taking some deep breaths.


Take a 20-30 minute walk. Moving your body helps move the lymph and blood and lifts your mood instantly!