What a great way to spend the summer—exploring your connection with Rebbe Nachman’s teachings and writing your story. We are accepting our second round of submissions through Elul.
Rebbe Nachman: A Woman’s Treasury is not just for famous authors and rebbetzins. Every woman who feels a connection to Rebbe Nachman, has had a meaningful personal experience with Breslov or would like to share original Breslov-related essays, poetry, or art is welcome to submit material for this publication.
Please read submission guidelines carefully. Only material submitted according to guidelines will be considered for acceptance. Publication is not guaranteed. Thank you for following the guidelines—it makes this project a bit easier.
We suggest that you have a friend or mentor read your material before you submit it. Experienced and new writers are encouraged to submit their original material. Don’t underestimate the power of the written word to enlighten, inspire, and move the reader—your words and images may change lives.
As of Summer, 2018, we’ve completed one complete round of submissions and are now accepting our second round of submissions through Elul. Please submit using the form below. At the top of your submission, in your word doc, put your name, email, phone number, and a two-sentence bio.
- Use the form below to make your submission.
- Required length of essays: 800 to 1800 words. (If you feel your piece absolutely requires a shorter or longer word count, please email Chaya Rivka at [email protected] to discuss.)
- Poetry submissions are welcome, there is no required word count for poetry.
- Required digital format for written submissions is Word doc, 2007 or later. Other file formats will not be considered unless you have special permission.
- Your original art submissions should be photographed and submitted using the form below. Please note that there will likely be other file formatting requirements if your work is accepted. Preferred file formats for initial image submission is jpeg, jpg or pdf. Make sure your name, email, and phone number are attached along with a two-sentence bio.
- Choose from the topics listed in the submission form at the bottom of this page. If you have another topic idea, please contact Chaya Rivka at [email protected] to discuss before you submit.
- A variety of non-fiction essay types are welcome (personal stories, journalistic articles, historical essays, scholarly essays, expository essays, etc.)
- Please do not quote or refer to contemporary sources in your text; in order to keep the integrity of our mission we prefer you use traditional Breslov sources and classical Torah sources. If you feel a contemporary source is integral to your work, contact Chaya Rivka to discuss.
- You may submit more than one essay, poem, or artwork. Each additional submission must be submitted in a new email. Use a number after your name in the subject line of the email to identify additional submissions.
- Material that is accepted will be professionally edited. You may be requested to make some revisions.
- Upon acceptance, you will be asked to submit a one to two sentence bio for publication in the book.
- Submit only high-quality, original, unpublished material. If material is previously published or will be published online or in print in the next three years, it will not be considered for this project without written permission of the Breslov Research Institute/BRI Women.
- If you would like to submit an essay but would like additional or even extensive help with writing and editing your piece, please contact Chaya Rivka at [email protected] to discuss.
- Your help is needed. Please make a donation to Rebbe Nachman: A Woman’s Treasury—this publication is being funded completely by donations. Your donation is tax deductible.