AdviceFaithReadRedemptionShabbatStoriesWeekly Torah PortionWisdomTo Start Living A Good Life- Parashas Chayei Sarah by Refael Kramer November 7, 2023 by Refael Kramer November 7, 2023Today I lived a good life that I have never lived such a life… 2 FacebookTwitterPinterestWhatsappEmail
AdviceFaithReadRedemptionStoriesWisdomBalancing Act – Parashat Toldot by November 20, 2020 by November 20, 2020Have you ever wondered why Jacob was specifically chosen to father the twelve tribes and… 2 FacebookTwitterPinterestWhatsappEmail
AdviceFaithReadRedemptionStoriesWisdomWaiting Patiently Pays Of – Parshat Vayara by Refael Kramer November 4, 2020 by Refael Kramer November 4, 2020It is said that patience pays off, and even if it is bitter but… 1 FacebookTwitterPinterestWhatsappEmail