Negative emotions are extremely powerful and often completely debilitating. In fact, nothing has the…
Rosh Hashana and the Ten Days: This is THE TIME to slow down and…
Don’t try to change God’s mind but rather change your own mind set.
Rebbe Nachman teaches: You are capable of overcoming your fear and anxiety. Chaya Rivka…
You can manage your fear, anxiety and worry by strengthening your emunah. Chaya Rivka…
Rebbe Nachman teaches us to center ourselves and find our balance. Chaya Rivka Zwolinski explains.
Rebbe Nachman teaches us that emunah can literally be our salvation. Chaya Rivka Zwolinski explains.
Who’s the boss, you or your imagination (and the yetzer hara)? It’s a test.
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How to fight depression
Seven is an important number in Judaism. The seventh day, for example, is Shabbat—the holiest day. The menorah in the Holy Temple in Jerusalem and seven candles and there are seven “candles” of the human head (two eyes, ears and nostrils and one mouth.) There are the seven days of mourning and the sheva brachot, the seven blessings and celebrations of marriage.
In Likutey Moharan, Lesson 21, Rebbe Nachman weaves a complex tapestry including several of these seven-related concepts, each one of which offers us rich insights into personal change and the growth of our soul, and challenges us to see ourselves in unexpected ways.