An Aspiring Breslover asks: Do you feel that Breslov is a more individualistic path than…
Ask the Rabbi
Can you tell me if Rabbi Nachman ever said a soul correction for cancer?…
Q: My wife wants to know if their are books or teachings (i.e. Tikkun HaKlali)…
- Ask the RabbiBRI WomenTzaddikUman
Ask A Breslover: Why don’t you turn your wives into Chassidim?
by Yossi Katzby Yossi KatzQ: Rebbe Nachman once asked, “Why don’t you turn your wives into Chassidim?” What does…
Q: The Rebbe speaks many times in Sichot HaRan (Rebbe Nachman’s Wisdom) about not…
When learning Likutey Moharan for the first tune, I feel like a kid trying…
I have been very curious about Breslover Chasidim for quite some time now. I…