Is there a special key to finding one’s soul mate? Is the secret to…
avraham and sarah
- ShabbatWatchWeekly Torah Portion
Parshat Vayeira – The goal of Creation
by Meir Elkabasby Meir ElkabasThis week on BreslovCampus, Meir Elkabas discusses the Torah portion, Parshat Vayeira with insights from Rebbe Nachman of Breslov. What is the goal of Creation? Reb Meir explains how “chochmah”, knowledge of Hashem, is vital to being truly alive. Because tzaddikim are strongly connected to chochmah, their prayers are very powerful.
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This week on BreslovCampus, Meir Elkabas discusses the Torah portion, Parshat Chayei Sarah with insights from Rebbe Nachman of Breslov. Avraham Avinu wanted Sarah, his wife, to be buried in Maarat HaMachpela (the cave of doubles) because it is the entrance of Gan Eden. Reb Noson explains how this burial place is connected to Tefillin. Gan Eden can actually be found in this world, it is “true life” as is revealed by this connection.
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