Dvar Torah for Parshat Shemot Based on Likutey Moharan I, Lesson #22:4–5 “The Egyptians…
body and soul
Knowledge is not everything in life or in Judaism. The success and stature of…
In this week’s Torah portion, we learn the measurements and other details of all the artifacts that were made to go into the mishkan, the sanctuary. Reb Chaim Kramer discusses how the Zohar reveals the connection between the items in the mishkan and the human body. For example, the altar correlates to the stomach, the holy ark corresponds to the human heart, and so on. Reb Chaim also discusses the physio-spiritual process of breath, the menorah of the human head, the deeper meaning of our senses, and more, all with his unique sense of humor.
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It’s time to find out what Rebbe Nachman sees as the precise nature of…
How does the saying go? New year, new you, right? One simple thing I…
Last month, I finally figured out the missing piece of the puzzle by vastly…
Who doesn’t want to grow younger? Here’s my number 1 tip of where to…
Can you tell me if Rabbi Nachman ever said a soul correction for cancer?…
Ladies, Pesach is behind us, and spring is upon us. The sun is shining,…
Torah is greater than everything and includes everything. It is greater even than prophesy!…