Can we connect the reality we experience with the reality before Creation? Meir Elkabas explains how to do spiritual mathematics.
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How do we find our truth, our REAL truth? Meir Elkabas explains why this is so difficult and how we should approach this question, based on the teachings of Rebbe Nachman and Reb Noson of Breslov. Do not miss this amazing video.
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Meir Elkabas explains the importance of not falling into the trap of obsessively pursuing a course of action, even if it may seem righteous.
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Everyone has their limit…we can only tolerate so much falsehood before we reach our limit and yearn for truth.
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Do you feel like you are in a dead-end? Do you feel abandoned? Meir Elkabas explains the truth about your relationship with God.
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Rabbi Levi Yitzchak Bender after his escape from the Soviet Union, that his greatest accomplishment in life was “living in Russia (the USSR) and still believing in God.” Faith must be strengthened and encouraged, especially during difficult times when opposition is strongest.
On Rebbe Nachman’s last Rosh Hashana before he died, he said nothing is greater than being by him on Rosh Hashana. Reb Noson tells us what the Rebbe really meant.
Are you planning your Uman Rosh Hashana yet? Be sure to contact the Breslov Research Institute for information about our Rosh Hashana program. info @