Q: How can I know that if i did the worst sins in the…
Learn how to make your Seder the ultimate Emunah growth opportunity.
Pesach Preparation for Women
HaLakhma Anya – This is the bread of affliction that our fathers ate in…
Join Rav Elchonon Tauber in learning the practical laws of cleaning the house from chometz, as well as the spiritual advice hidden behind this time-honored tradition.
Tuesday, March 24th, 6 PM PST – 9 PM EST
Why do we have to work so hard?
What do we gain?
Find these answers and much more…- Breslov CampusSpecial Events
Pesach Workshop II : The Meaning of the Seder Plate with Yehudis Golshevsky
An inspiring workshop on the Breslov approach to Passover. Sunday, March 22, 11 AM (EST), The Meaning of the Seder Plate with Yehudis Golshevsky.
Note: This workshop is for women only.
Yehudis Golshevsky
“Cleaning House”–The significance of chometz within the mind and heart.
Are you thinking about Pesach? Need some Pesach help? This Sunday, Breslov Campus will host a special live pre-Pesach workshop with Rebetzen Yehudis Golshevsky.
Note: This workshop is for women only.Matza and Mann (the manna which fell from the sky while the Jews were…