In Likutey Moharan lesson 24 Rebbe Nachman explains that the power of joy (simcha)…
- FaithJoyShabbatWatchWeekly Torah PortionWisdom
Meir Elkabas – Parshat Chukat
by Meir Elkabasby Meir ElkabasClick here to read this video as an article
This week’s Parshah is Chukat, as in the verse (Numbers 19:2), “This is the…
- BRI WomenFaithReadShabbatWeekly Torah Portion
Parshat Chukat: What To Do When You Are Frustrated (Don’t hit a rock!)
In Parsha Chukat the Torah tells us that the Jews demanded water in the…
In order to get something, in order to ask G-d for something, we need…
Dvar Torah for Parshat Chukat Based on Likutey Moharan II, Lesson #111 “The saga…
Unable to control himself, the viceroy plucked an apple from the tree and took…
- ShabbatWatchWeekly Torah Portion
Parshas Chukas – The Blessings of Peace
by Nasan Maimonby Nasan MaimonWe travel to the tzadik but Rebbe Nachman also used to travel to his followers.
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Based on Chayei Moharan #83* At the beginning of the summer of 5564/1804 Rebbe…
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