“When you eat and are satisfied, you must bless God … for the good…
- ShabbatWatchWeekly Torah Portion
Parshat Tetzaveh – Clothing for the Soul
by Nasan Maimonby Nasan MaimonWe travel to the tzadik but Rebbe Nachman also used to travel to his followers.
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Dvar Torah for Parshat Tetzaveh Based on Rabbi Nachman’s Wisdom #23 “Make sacred clothing…
It is good to begin your hitbodedut by saying: Today I am starting to attach myself…
In this week’s Torah video, Reb Chaim Kramer discusses the weekly portion, Tetzaveh through the lens of Breslov Chassidut. Learn about the pure oil of the menorah, and the connection regarding the midrash on the nature of the Jewish people which is like an olive tree and olive oil, and more. Reb Chaim explains the problem of assimilation, the many wars against and attacks on the Jews over time, and how the Jewish people miraculously rebuilt themselves again and again. We learn about the kohanim and their special begadim (clothing) and the spiritual correction each item of clothing effected as well as the korbanot (sacrifices) of all the kohanim and each Jew.
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Torah is greater than everything and includes everything. It is greater even than prophesy!…
Clothing should always be whole and form a spiritual and material protective barrier Join…
- ShabbatWatchWeekly Torah Portion
Parshat Vayakhel/Pikudey/Parah – Shabbos, Day of Mystery and Miracles
by Nasan Maimonby Nasan MaimonWe travel to the tzadik but Rebbe Nachman also used to travel to his followers.
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- ShabbatWatchWeekly Torah Portion
Parshat Ki Sisa – Unity Through Giving
by Nasan Maimonby Nasan MaimonWe travel to the tzadik but Rebbe Nachman also used to travel to his followers.
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Can you tell if someone is connected to Rebbe Nachman and Breslov teachings by the clothing he or she wears?
Meir Elkabas explains.
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