Chaim Kramer discusses the weekly Torah portion, Parshat Beha’alotcha. The deeper meaning of lighting the 7 candle-menorah in the sanctuary as revealed by Rebbe Nachman in Likutey Moharan, Lesson 21. Each person has his or her own menorah, with 7 candles of the head: The 2 eyes, the 2 ears, the 2 nostrils, and the mouth. Reb Chaim gives a pithy overview of how we each should light our own, personal menorah.
Reb Chaim continues with the parsha’s discussion of the tribe of Levi, how to correct your past, return to Hashem, and more.
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In this meaningful preparation for Rosh Hashana, we’ll discuss three elements of teshuvah based on Rebbe Nachman of Breslov’s teachings.
Three Elements of Teshuvah
Time: Sunday, 11:00 AM EST – 6:00 PM Israel Time
Date: Sunday, Aug. 23; Aug. 30; Sept. 6
Level: Intermediate, beginners welcome.
Instructor: Yehudis Golshevsky
Text: Likutey Moharan and Likutei Halachot, various.Questions: Rebbe Nachman says in torah 4 of likutei moharan, that in order to…