If you’ve ever prayed in a Breslov shul during these days of countng the…
counting the omer
Chaim Kramer explains the connections between counting, the number 7, the 8th day, eating properly, how we use our time, and the Torah portion from a deep Breslov perspective, as he discusses this week’s Torah portion of Shemini. During Sefiras HaOmer, Counting the Omer, we are reminded that we must remember that every day counts. Everything we see, hear and experience is a message to us.
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- FaithParnasaShabbatWatchWeekly Torah Portion
Chaim Kramer – Parshat Behar
by Chaim Kramerby Chaim KramerChaim Kramer explores the concepts of the Sabbatical year (Shemita); Jubilee (Yovel); and the…
Aside from being part of my delicious Shabbat cholent, barley has never been a…
A brief discussion of Breslov history with Reb Meir Elkabas of the Breslov Research…
Counting the Omer is a time to get in touch with your deepest yearning.
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