This week Chaim Kramer discusses the Torah portion Eikev through the light of Rebbe Nachman’s teachings. In Parshat Re’eh, the Jewish people are told blessings (from Mt. Gerizim) and curses (from Mt. Eval.) Chaim Kramer speaks of his travels to Shechem (called Nablus), in sight of these two mountains, and shares insights into the deeper meaning of this Torah portion, and the secret hidden in the Hebrew letters. Reb Chaim also talks about Rebbe Nachman’s advice: Remember even if you make mistakes, Hashem still loves you.
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This week on BreslovCampus, Meir Elkabas discusses the Torah portion, Parshat Bechukotai. In this…
- ShabbatWatchWeekly Torah Portion
Meir Elkabas – Parshat Behar-Bechukotai
by Meir Elkabasby Meir ElkabasIn this week’s video about the Torah portion, Meir Elkabas discusses the meaning of the Kabbalistic sefira, malchut, keter, the Sabbatical year and the Jubilee, the 50th Gate, a deeper level of emunah, charging interest and views towards money, following torah through mitzvah observance, curses, being joyful, and more.
Like this video? Please LIKE, SHARE, and SUBSCRIBE. In this deep talk, Chaim Kramer explores the Torah portion of the week, Ki Tavo, with insights from Breslov Chassidut, Zohar, and other sources. Blessings and curses, ketoret, equality, freedom of choice, good and evil, politics, sin, holiness, Bavel (Babylon), Alexander the Great, empires, the Haftorah,Tzaddik, Rosh Hashanah, Uman, and more.
Chaim Kramer explains the weekly Torah portion, Re’eh, via the light of Breslov Chassidut. Topics include blessings and curses, channels of wealth and bounty, charity and poverty, positive thinking, and more. Let us know if you enjoy this video by “liking” it on YouTube and our website,
R’ Chaim Kramer begins with the Holy Zohar’s question: Why is the story of the corrupt King Balak and the great but evil sorcerer Bilam included in the Torah?