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Dvar Torah for Parshat Shemot
- JoyReadRedemptionShabbatTzaddikWeekly Torah Portion
The Name Ekyeh: Unlocking the Joy of Redemption
by Meir Elkabasby Meir ElkabasMoshe Rabbeinu’s Question: “What’s His Name?” In Parshat Sh’mot, Moshe expresses reluctance when Hashem…
Based on Likutey Halakhot, Taaruvot 3:2–3 “And the Israelites were fertile and prolific;…
Likutey Halachos on Parshas Shemos
Am I in exile? Please take a moment to stop and consider this question.…
Pharaoh is making the Jews work for free, but when we ask him to…
Dvar Torah for Parshat Shemot Based on Likutey Moharan I, Lesson #22:4–5 “The Egyptians…
In Parsha Shemot, the Torah tells us that Moshe witnessed an Egyptian viciously beating…
Reb Meir discusses the deep Breslov teachings in Parshat Shemot regarding slavery and redemption.
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