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Dvar Torah for Parshat Vayigash
- JoyLeadersReadRedemptionShabbatWeekly Torah Portion
The 10 Sons/Songs of Binyamin
by Meir Elkabasby Meir ElkabasThe Ten Sons of Binyamin and Their Deeper Meaning In Parshas VaYigash, the Torah…
Based on Hilkhot Basar b’Chalav 4:1 “Pharaoh asked Yaakov, ‘How many are the…
I have always been intrigued by the dramatic meeting of the two leaders of…
For twenty-two years, Jacob did not see his son Joseph. Why, exactly at the…
In Parsha Vayigash, Yaakov descends into Egypt, into exile, with all his family. He…
Listen to Meir Elkabas talk about Yosef revealing himself to his brothers.
“I personally don’t like cold weather. Growing up in Toronto, I remember walking home…
I personally don’t like cold weather. Growing up in Toronto, I remember walking home…