The Class:
In Walking The Path: The Deeper Meaning Of 5 Halachot, you’ll learn Halachot Orach Chaim and Choshen Mishpat with Reb Eliyahu Hecht as your guide. Together you’ll discover Reb Noson’s discussions on one of Rebbe Nachman’s lessons. They offer many deep and varied insights into the way we think about and apply halacha, Jewish law, in our everyday lives. Last semester we used the same texts to explore Shabbat and Chanukah; this semester you’ll learn the following topics:
Blessing of the Kohanim (priests) during davening; the significance of its placement in our prayers; and what makes Kohanim such a special part of the Jewish people
Mitzvah of helping an enemy unburden his struggling animal, and its practical relevancy to you
Four types of shomrim (guards), and why they must make an oath on their mission
Blessings on food. Enhance this mitzvah we do all the time! Change how you view eating and learn how spiritual a physical act can be
Blessing of HaGomel (thanksgiving), who makes it and why