When you connect to a higher level of truth, when you are more attuned to Hashem, your sustenance is more Divinely inspired and you are worthy of receiving more abundance.
Meir Elkabas discusses this week’s Torah portion, Parshat Behar (it is a double portion this week, Behar-Bechukotai, this video focuses on Behar.) In this video, we learn about the mitzvah of the Shmita year and Shabbat. Reb Meir explains that we go through life thinking we accomplish everything but really we just “do” and Hashem accomplishes. He also speaks about the Divine Providence of living in the Holy Land, Eretz Yisrael.
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Meir Elkabas discusses this week’s Torah parsha, Parshat Terumah. In this Torah portion, the Jews beginning to donate for the building of the tabernacle. Meir Elkabas explains Rebbe Nachman’s discussion of “terumah”, the power of immersing yourself in Torah, to learn what Hashem wants of you–because when you do, you’ll be able to truly see Hashem in your life.
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Rebbe Nachman of Breslov gives us advice on how to truly come closer to Hashem.
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Series: Human Self-Creation and the Kabbalah of Rebbe Nachman with Mordechai Kaufman
It’s not difficult to argue that today’s materialism is out of control. We are barraged with increasingly sophisticated attempts to convince us that more is better and having the best is a necessity. There is a pervasive, even reflexive belief that we are defined by the ways in which we express and fulfill our materialistic desires. The near-Universal lust for money blocks our ability to grasp the reality of Divine Providence. This is our present-day idolatry.