As told by Gedaliah Fleer. AFTER THE CEMETERY IN UMAN WAS DEMOLISHED during World…
This week Chaim Kramer discusses the Torah portion Ki Tavo through the light of Rebbe Nachman’s teachings. Reb Chaim explains how we are preparing for Rosh Hashana, when Hashem judges us, during the weeks before. He speaks about the mitzvot in this Torah portion, bikurim and tithes, which shows our gratitude to God. Reb Chaim speaks about the blessings and the curses, the holocaust, and the survivors of the holocaust, and our own personal mission. There is also a special blessing from Reb Chaim.
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In this week’s Torah portion, Chaim Kramer explains: “The path a person wants to walk upon is the path on which he’ll be led.” The Jewish nation was hated by Balak and Bilaam. We learn of their attempts to destroy the Jewish people as well as the power of free will and choice. Like this video? Then please LIKE, SHARE, and SUBSCRIBE!
Today it takes just a phone call to a travel agent to join the…
People who knew R’ Yitzchok Breiter described his magnetic effect on people. He had…
Ten thousand measures of silver is the amount of the bribe that Haman promised…
Do you believe?
Meir Elkabas talks about belief, faith and trust in God.
Like this video? Please LIKE, SHARE, and SUBSCRIBE.A friend was upset recently and e-mailed me. He had seen—on a website that…