“Appoint for yourselves judges and police in all your gates, for your tribes ……
In this week’s Torah portion, the Torah discusses civil law. Rabbi Chaim Kramer discusses the parsha based on the Chassidut of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov. Reb Chaim discusses the deeper psychological, spiritual, and physical ramifications of being honest and the damage that is done by lying. He discusses the laws of being kind to widows, orphans and anyone who is downtrodden. Reb Chaim also discusses other laws, including the law of damages.
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- FaithShabbatWatchWeekly Torah Portion
Chaim Kramer – Parshat Ki Teitzei
by Chaim Kramerby Chaim KramerThis week Chaim Kramer discusses the Torah portion Ki Teitzei through the light of Rebbe Nachman’s teachings. Reb Chaim explains that when a person makes an effort to serve Hashem, the yetzer hara pops up and tries to sway you away from the right path. Fierce temptations often come in the realm of business and questions of integrity, as well as the temptation of immorality. Other topics include parents and children, emotional integrity, doing the right thing, and to remember what Amalek did to you (philosophy, gluttony, avarice, arrogance, anger, immorality, and more.) Like this video? Then please LIKE, SHARE, and SUBSCRIBE!
A lot of emunah is needed in business transactions.
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Series: Living the Life of a Breslover Chassid with Likutey Halachot
Nothing But The Truth
Reb Noson, Rebbe Nachman’s leading student and scribe, reveals how the depth and breadth of Rebbe Nachman’s teachings helps us improve ourselves and get closer to Hashem. In his singular work, Likutey Halachot, Reb Noson extrapolates from Rebbe Nachman’s works and uncovers rich insights into the Shulchan Aruch (the Code of Jewish Law), a text that is often misperceived as dry, dusty, or irrelevant. Likutey Halachot is bursting with inspirational explications of halacha (Jewish law), via the light of Breslov Chassidut, scripture, and the Kabbalastic masters.
As we learn the text, students will begin to see the world through the eyes of the ultimate Breslover, Reb Noson. In this course with Reb Eliyahu Hecht, you will explore the deeper meaning of the Jewish laws and learn the author’s advice for achieving spiritual growth. This is halacha the way it was meant to be learned and understood!
Once an arrogant, master kabbalist came to Rebbe Nachman…in this short story of a meeting between Rebbe Nachman and a learned but haughty man, Meir Elkabas explains the importance of honesty, humility, and seeking the truth.
Who lives and who dies?
As we prepare for Rosh Hashnah, Rabbi Chaim Kramer talks about the Torah portion, Ki Tetzei, via the light of Breslov Chassidut.
Topics include: war, money, honesty, poverty and wealth, weights and measures, Amalek, mitzvot, building the Holy Temple in Jerusalem, the great mitzvah of charity, and more.
Shavuot is an interesting holiday. On the one hand, we celebrate having received the…