Just as a person may be willing to have self-sacrifice with regard to holiness,…
idol worship
Unable to control himself, the viceroy plucked an apple from the tree and took…
Anyone who wants his work to be easy needs to believe in himself. Otherwise,…
Unable to control himself, the viceroy plucked an apple from the tree and took…
Meir Elkabas discusses this week’s Torah parsha, Parshat Yitro. In this video Meir Elkabas begins with Yitro who was the ultimate idol worshiper–there is not an idol he didn’t serve! Yet, he rejected all of them to come to Hashem. Rebbe Nachman shows us how we can learn to move forward by using Yitro as an example–no matter what we’ve gone through, we can still connect to Hashem, just like Yitro.
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Bi’ur ha-Likkutim 10:17 By Rabbi Avraham b’Reb Nachman (Chazan) Translation by Dovid Sears Dedicated…
Rebbe Nachman of Breslov teaches us the spiritually healthy understanding of work and money.
Purim is the greatest Jewish holiday! How do I know? The Kabbalah says that…