Why is gambling with the dreidel on Chanukah, according to Jewish law, allowed with…
It only takes a minute, sometimes less. Before you know it, the remark is…
Yirmy Ginsburg teaches the difference between kosher and non-kosher imagination and how the latter…
Fall is my favorite season and Chanukah is my favorite holiday, so you can…
In Sichah 6 of Sichos HaRan, Rebbe Nachman explains the tricks of the trade…
Why does our negative imagination take hold of us? Why do we worry and…
Who’s the boss, you or your imagination (and the yetzer hara)? It’s a test.
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The mere mentioning of the names of Tzaddikim has incredible power. When you say the name of a Tzaddik, you activate his memory and merit. Reb Meir explains.
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Meir Elkabas discusses this week’s Torah parsha, Parshat Vayigash, in which Yehuda speaks to Yosef and says that he respects him like a king (Pharoah). Reb Noson says this verse reveals how we need the tzaddik especially to help add a special boost to our prayer, helping us overcome the negative thoughts that occur, thoughts that we refer to as Pharoah.
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