Today, everyone wants to know how to be happy. Well, this is the secret:…
They look the same. Both appear to be tzaddikim and act as if they…
- FaithShabbatWatchWeekly Torah Portion
Chaim Kramer – Parshat Ki Teitzei
by Chaim Kramerby Chaim KramerThis week Chaim Kramer discusses the Torah portion Ki Teitzei through the light of Rebbe Nachman’s teachings. Reb Chaim explains that when a person makes an effort to serve Hashem, the yetzer hara pops up and tries to sway you away from the right path. Fierce temptations often come in the realm of business and questions of integrity, as well as the temptation of immorality. Other topics include parents and children, emotional integrity, doing the right thing, and to remember what Amalek did to you (philosophy, gluttony, avarice, arrogance, anger, immorality, and more.) Like this video? Then please LIKE, SHARE, and SUBSCRIBE!
Reb Meir discusses part of Rebbe Nachman’s story, The Seven Beggars, and explains how in order to appreciate the good we may have to kick-out the bad.
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Meir Elkabas explains that each of us has a spark of Moshiach inside. However, immorality will blemish the spirit of Moshiach.
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A Message of Hope
In this week’s Torah portion, Chaim Kramer discusses today’s “plague”–immorality– light of the Torah portion, Pinchas. Topics include zealotry, counting the Jewish nation, Tzelafchad’s daughters, sacrifices, Moshe Rabbeinu’s imminent death, Joshua, The Three Weeks, inheriting the Land of Israel, the Holy Temple, and more.Like this video? Then please LIKE, SHARE, and SUBSCRIBE!
The Jewish people have never lacked enemies. Just as we are attacked today by…