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Infinite Light
- FamilyJoyLeadersReadShabbatWeekly Torah Portion
The Crown of the Husband
by Meir Elkabasby Meir ElkabasThe Journey to the Keter: Growth Through Challenges Rebbe Nachman teaches in Likutey Moharan…
- FaithJoyRedemptionShabbatWatchWeekly Torah Portion
Meir Elkabas – Parshat Vayeira
by Meir Elkabasby Meir ElkabasClick here to read this video as an article
- FaithJoyReadRedemptionShabbatWeekly Torah Portion
Lot’s Matzah and Salt
by Meir Elkabasby Meir ElkabasDespite being depicted as a flawed character, Lot demonstrates a remarkable dedication to welcoming…
Rebbe Nachman once said that every lesson he taught could be found across the…
- FaithJoyLeadersShabbatWatchWeekly Torah Portion
Meir Elkabas – Parshat Lech Lecha
by Meir Elkabasby Meir ElkabasClick here to read this video as an article
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- Jewish HolidaysJoyRead
The Four Species – Activating Yearning and Extra Joy
by Meir Elkabasby Meir ElkabasIn Likutey Moharan lesson 24, Rebbe Nachman focuses on two key points: the importance…
In Likutey Moharan lesson 24 Rebbe Nachman emphasizes the transformative power of simcha (joy).…
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