“Appoint for yourselves judges and police in all your gates, for your tribes ……
This week Chaim Kramer discusses the Torah portion Shoftim through the light of Rebbe Nachman’s teachings. Reb Chaim talks about understanding the concept of judgment in the parsha, especially the importance of judging one’s self as advised by Rebbe Nachman of Breslov as it relates to this week’s Torah portion, shoftim. He also speaks about appointing a King, and how this relates to each of us on a deeply personal level. Rebbe Nachman talks about one’s own authority in this world, how one’s actions have an impact on self, family and friends, and even other souls that we may not be aware of.
Like this video? Then please LIKE, SHARE, and SUBSCRIBE!A Midrash for Monday “Appoint for yourselves judges and police in all your gates,…
Based on Likutey Halakhot, Dayanim 4:3 “In every case of misappropiation, whether it involves…