A Chassidic Story (#25) This week’s Torah reading, parshas Vayechi, deals with the passing…
King David
- FaithLeadersReadShabbatWeekly Torah Portion
Korach’s demise was Honor! – Parshat Korach
by Chaim Freudby Chaim FreudKorach believed that because from him would come great people like Shmuel, then he…
In a few days, Shavuot, the holiday of the Giving of the Torah, will…
It’s hard to be rich. You can end up having the feeling that people…
- FaithJewish HolidaysJoyRead
“He’iru, Hadliku Neirot Chanukah” – Illuminate, Light the Chanukah Candles
The title is taken from the songs our children sing in school, but there…
Seize the day; it is all you have to serve Hashem to the best…
- FaithPrayerRead
Psalm 90: Moshe Rabbeinu’s Personal Message of Carpe Diem
by Chaim Oliverby Chaim OliverPsalm 90 appears in the Sabbath service, reflecting its holiness, and is also the…
“Imagine,” said Reb Noson, “the High Priest entering the Holy of Holies is likened…
One of Rebbe Nachman’s major teachings, perhaps his most important and best known, focuses…
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