Likutey Halachos on Parshas Shemos
Likutey Halachos
Based on Likutey Halachos, Beheimah v’Chayah Tehorah 4:23–25 “Everything comes from the dirt; everything…
Dvar Torah for Parshat Terumah Based on Likutey Halakhot, Terumot u’Maasrot 3:8 “Fifty loops…
As we gaze at the lights of the Menorah for a final time tonight,…
BRI is excited to announce our latest publication, published just in time for the…
- FaithLikutey MoharanWatch
Likutey Moharan 76 #3 Direct and Reflected Vision
by Yossi Katzby Yossi KatzHow to fight depression
Would you be willing to sacrifice your own flesh and blood? Abraham, the Jewish…
- News and Events
Major Announcement: Work on the Translation of Likutey Halakhot to Begin
by breslov.orgby breslov.orgAt the New York Siyum Likutey Moharan, Chaim Kramer (founder and director of BRI)…
Q: Are there any plans to translate Likutey Halachos into English? I would defenitely buy…
In every generation we are required to see ourselves as if we personally were…
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