We would like to share Likutey Moharan lesson 48 from the BRI English-Hebrew Edition…
Likutey Tefilot
We would like to share Likutey Moharan II, Lesson 66 from the BRI English-Hebrew…
As Jews around the world gather and mourn the continued destruction of our physical…
- FaithJewish HolidaysPrayerRead
How To Find Spiritual Inspiration From Sefer Tehillim
by Chaim Oliverby Chaim OliverA pathway for Teshuvah during Elul, Rosh Hashanah, the 10 Days of Awe, and…
- BRI Current ProjectsJewish HolidaysNews and EventsPrayerWatch
Together let us build the Third Beis Hamikdash – PART 2
by breslov.orgby breslov.orgPart II of the Likutey Tefilot campaign video from 2021 with guest speaker Rabbi…
- BRI Current ProjectsJewish HolidaysNews and EventsPrayerWatch
Together let us build the Third Beis Hamikdash – PART 1
by breslov.orgby breslov.orgThe great importance of Reb Noson’s prayers and a call to partner with us…
- BRI Current ProjectsJewish HolidaysNews and EventsPrayerRead
Together let us build the Third Beis Hamikdash!
by Chaim Kramerby Chaim KramerWe are currently in the Three Weeks, known as Bein HaMeitzarim. Jewish law states…
- BRI Current ProjectsNews and EventsPrayerSpecial EventsTzaddik
by breslov.orgby breslov.orgPlease partner with us in this historic project to publish the English translation of…
Happy Tu BiShvat! Last night, on this very special holiday, we were overjoyed to…
200 Years ago, Reb Noson began printing his Likutey Tefilot. In a letter to…
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