In this course, Rabbi Chaim Kramer will lead you on the journey of a lifetime as he teaches two fundamental lessons from the Chassidic masterpiece, Likutey Moharan.
Series: Likutey Moharan
Time: Sunday, 10:00 AM EST – 5:00 PM Israel Time
Date: January 11 – March 1 (8 weeks)
Level: All
Text: Likutey Moharan I, 282; II, 12
In this course, Rabbi Chaim Kramer will lead on you the journey of a lifetime as he teaches two fundamental lessons from the Chassidic masterpiece, Likutey Moharan.
Students will have the privilege of learning with Reb Chaim Kramer. Reb Chaim has written an extensive 15 volume commentary on the first-ever, complete English/Hebrew Likutey Moharan. Learn how to use the deep wisdom contained in the Likutey Moharan as it applies to everyday life.