Explore the age-old quest to uncover the reason for the Creation and its origin, as explained by the Kabbalah.
Time: Tuesday, 7:30 PM EST – 4:30 PST
Date: January 13 – March 3 (8 weeks)
Level: All. This course does not require knowledge of Breslov Chassidus but will appeal to those interested in a deeply thoughtful, intellectual exploration of the ideas of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov, which are sourced in the Kabbalah of the Ari’zal, Rabbi Yitzchak Luria.
Text: Likutey Moharan (LM); Lesson 64 (Will be provided.)
In this course on Creation and the ideas of R’ Nachman, the student is introduced to the fundamental principles of the Lurianic Kabbalistic system as developed in Torah 64 of LM, which serves as a conceptual foundation upon which many of Rebbe Nachman’s ideas are constructed. Lesson 64 explores the age-old quest to uncover the reason for the Creation and its origin, as explained by the Kabbalah. Rebbe Nachman creatively employs these grand Kabbalistic principles in developing his unique approach to understanding human psychology which provides keen insight and direction in dealing with essential questions of Faith.