Hold On! A Saving Grace Meshivat Nefesh #35 When I make an honest self-assessment,…
meshivat nefesh
Two Lessons in Likutey Moharan with Yossi Katz
Note: This series will recorded and posted and not live.
Program 1
Majesty and Humility
In Likutey Moharan 219, Rebbe Nachman teaches us that one of the lessons we can learn from the destruction of the Holy Temple in Jerusalem is a new understanding of the power of humility. Yossi Katz explains how to apply this teaching to our personal growth.
Sometimes it feels like we’ve been there, done that, especially when it comes to internal obstacles like sadness, bad habits, and doubt.
How do we make sense of our travails, both inner and outer?
Gathered from the entire body of Breslov teachings, the powerhouse-Breslov classic, “Restore My Soul” (Meshivat Nefesh) highlights Rebbe Nachman’s teachings on combating sadness and frustration by tapping into the spiritual wellsprings of joy. This text helps us come to a new and deeper understanding of the meaning behind our feelings and shows us how to move forward.
Hold On! Introduction We’re starting a new series of meditations on the work Meshivat…
We have to have the proper appreciation for Outpouring of the Soul / Meshivas…