The opening lesson of the second section of Likutey Moharan (LM Tinyana, Lesson 1), commences with the monumental declaration that the ‘Ultimate purpose and destiny of the Jew is to have dominion over the Angels,” in order that we channel and draw down Divine blessing into this world. But how do we develop ourselves into human beings with such enormous power?
mordechai kaufman
Series: Human Self-Creation and the Kabbalah of Rebbe Nachman with Mordechai Kaufman
‘You will be to Me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation’ (Exodus 19:6)
In each of us there exists wellsprings of Fear and Faith. Why is this important? How can we become more aware of and sensitive to our inner spirituality? Are there spiritual exercises we can do that are proven to strengthen Yirat Shamayim (Fear of Heaven) and Emunah (Faith)?
In this deep exploration of Likutey Moharan Lesson 15, Reb Mordechai Kaufman will discuss these questions and others. You will learn Rebbe Nachman’s approach to Yirat Shamayim and Emunah and discover new ways to get in touch with your deepest inner self. Ultimately, the result of this exploration is an increase in the strength of your relationship with Hashem.
The cultivation and attainment of Yirat Shamayim is central to the teachings of Rebbe Nachman. No other religious leader devoted more effort to the analysis of the cosmic and terrestrial ramifications of Emunah, particularly the psycho-emotional constitution of Man, necessary for its development and attainment.
Topics include:
Fear of Heaven
Apprehension of the Divine
Personal Growth
Development of Da’at, Unitive Conciousness
Meditation/HitbodedutAnd much more…
Series: Human Self-Creation and the Kabbalah of Rebbe Nachman with Mordechai Kaufman
In Likutey Moharan, Lesson 18, Rebbe Nachman of Breslov discusses what it means to truly live life. In this course, Mordechai Kaufman will examine this lofty and complex lesson which deals with faith, awareness, belief and the practical application of life’s deeper purpose. This lesson offers the possibility of profound change to the way you think, believe, and live.
Series: Human Self-Creation and the Kabbalah of Rebbe Nachman with Mordechai Kaufman
It’s not difficult to argue that today’s materialism is out of control. We are barraged with increasingly sophisticated attempts to convince us that more is better and having the best is a necessity. There is a pervasive, even reflexive belief that we are defined by the ways in which we express and fulfill our materialistic desires. The near-Universal lust for money blocks our ability to grasp the reality of Divine Providence. This is our present-day idolatry.
Series: Human Self-Creation with the Kabbalah of Rebbe Nachman
In this moving lesson (Likutey Moharan 15) Rebbe Nachman reveals the true nature and experience of Yirat Hashem, Fear of G-d, which is the essence of Divine Service. The path to this ‘ultimate goal’ requires faith and trust, prayer, hitbodedut (intense meditative prayer) study, and connecting to Hashem via the mitzvot.
Genuine Yirah (fear) is living with the consciousness that only Hashem controls and directs the events of our lives and the events of the world. This authentic Yirah liberates us from baseless fears and false worries which tend to dominate our inner being—if we let them. Accordingly, true Yirat Hashem liberates us from the bonds of the unreal and allows us to reach our true spiritual potential.
Series: Human Self-Creation with the Kabbalah of Rebbe Nachman
In this short segment of a much longer lesson, Rebbe Nachman focuses on the essence of Rosh Hashanah. What is revealed? The Yom Tov’s dynamic cosmic process in which the Creator reaches out and encourages Man to approach and seek atonement from Him! Rebbe Nachman boldly portrays a drama in which we are drawn forth by Hashem’s warmth—from our embarrassed, humiliated isolation—toward a confidently meaningful confrontation with ourselves, and a deeper understanding of our true nature, potential and mission.
Series: Human Self-Creation with the Kabbalah of Rebbe Nachman
In this provocative course, together we’ll explore the pathology of a Universal and most basic human flaw: Self-Deception.
Rebbe Nachman’s Likutey Moharan 51 explains where the psychological constitution of Man is situated, then shows us the psyche against the backdrop of grand Kabbalistic principles, as described in the Arizal’s (R’ Isaac Luria) teachings about the very beginning of Creation.
- Breslov CampusSpecial Events
The Quest for G-d & Self – With Mordechai Kaufman
by breslov.orgby breslov.orgThe Quest for G-d and Self with Mordechai Kaufman
Have you ever asked yourself:
How do I find G-d?
What can I possibly know about G-d?
What does G-d really want from me?
In this intellectual exploration of Breslov thought, BreslovCampus lecturer Mordechai Kaufman discusses how Rebbe Nachman of Breslov turns these questions inward and asks us to ask ourselves:
The Quest for G-d and Self with Mordechai Kaufman Have you ever asked yourself:…
Series: Human Self-Creation with the Kabbalah of Rebbe Nachman
“I need to speak with the Tzaddik!”
In this concise but elegant Torah, Rebbe Nachman assures us that that the process of communication between the Tzaddik and his followers never ends. The essence of the Tzaddik can be readily accessed and integrated into our lives, long after their passing. Learning how to learn and how to view learning is a key to unlocking the riches of the Tzaddik’s wisdom.