The quality of your sleep affects your quality of emunah–learn how to sleep right!
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The quality of your sleep affects your quality of emunah–learn how to sleep right!
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Meir Elkabas explains that we need to eat the holy food of Shabbat in order to receive the light of Shabbat.
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Series: Rebbe Nachman’s Stories with Yehudis Golshevsky
For women only.
I was on a journey, and I told a story that made everyone who heard it want to draw closer to God. And this is the story.
Thus begins Rebbe Nachman’s classic tale, The Lost Princess, a Kabbalistic journey of the soul. In this course, Yehudis Golshevsky will use authentic Breslov commentaries to seek and understand the archetypal players, the story line, and our greater purpose. If you have always been curious about Rebbe Nachman’s stories, this class is for you.
Series: Relationships with Chaya Rivka Zwolinski
For women only.
Is there a holistic healing modality that is rooted in Jewish mysticism that is still relevant today?
In The Healing Dance of Body and Soul we’ll come to a richer understanding of why God houses our soul in this brilliantly complex home we call “my body”, the paradoxical interplay between body and soul, and a fresh yet ancient outlook on health and healing.