In this guide to the spiritual work we do during the Sefirah period, we’ll explore the seven lower Divine attributes according to the teachings of Rebbe Nachman and Reb Noson, especially as we find them in the story of The Master of Prayer.
We’ll also use the contemporary Kabbalistic text of the Sefirah period, U’sfartem Lachem, by Rav Danial Frisch, and discuss the interinclusion of attributes, their permutations, and how they relate to us personally. Even though its teachings are rooted in the loftiest concepts, the text offers us a chance to apply them to the realm of action in a way more easily grasped.
Join Rav Elchonon Tauber in learning the practical laws of counting the Omer, as well as its deeper meaning.
Details to follow…
About Rav Elchonon Tauber
Rav Elchonon Tauber is the preeminent Chassidic posek (legal scholar and decision-maker), in Los Angeles, and one of the only Breslov Rabbinical authorities in America. Rav Tauber teaches Daf Yomi, Talmud, Jewish law, Jewish mysticism and the teachings of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov, in Los Angeles, California and online at His special emphasis on hisbodedut (Chassidic meditation) and shalom bayit (peacefulness in the home) has been inspiring diverse audiences for many years. Rav Tauber is a co-founder of the Lakewood Kollel’s Los Angeles branch and the Dayan of Congregation Bais Yehuda for over three decades. Originally from Brooklyn, he lives with his family in Los Angeles.