Longer evenings and cooler weather are ideal for family fun and learning that Begins…
parent and child
Parents need to wake up. If kids aren’t interested in learning, there is a…
My child will only get their perfect and amazing intended one, if they go…
“Remember, it’s a mother with a pencil and journal who crafts her days, that…
This year, I am feeling drawn to focusing on preparing my children for the…
I am feeling a Divine pull to switch from an old paradigm, to a…
After having read John Gatto’s book, Dumbing Us Down, I am now able to…
The great thing about having a weekly family meeting is that everyone gets on…
Fall is my favorite season and Chanukah is my favorite holiday, so you can…
Here is something I’ve been learning in my homeschool-parenting mentor group really hit home:…
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