This week we have the festive day of Tu B’Av in the week of…
Parshat Eikev
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Meir Elkabas – Parshat Eikev
by Meir Elkabasby Meir ElkabasMeir Elkabas discusses this week’s Torah portion, Parshat Va’etchanan, with insights from Rebbe Nachman of Breslov. This beautiful lesson is about the Treasury of Unearned Gifts. Reb Meir explains.
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This week Chaim Kramer discusses the Torah portion Eikev through the light of Rebbe Nachman’s teachings. Reb Chaim explains the importance of developing a joyful and grateful attitude. He also explains past, current and more important, future events in the Holy Land of Israel as we yearn for Moshiach.
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Consolation is the theme of the seven haftorahs between Tisha B’av and Rosh Hashana. Parshat Eikev is filled with Hashem, God’s, love for the Jewish people. Rebbe Nachman explains that if you will (joyfully) guard the mitzvot that don’t seem so important to you, God will help you guard your morality so that you never transgress the more difficult mitzvot. Enjoy this uplifting, joyful video with Rabbi Chaim Kramer.