Parshat Ki Tisa primarily explores the 40-day aftermath following the receiving of the Ten…
Parshat Ki Tisa
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Meir Elkabas – Parshat Ki Tisa
by Meir Elkabasby Meir ElkabasClick here to read this video as an article
This week’s parsha begins with giving a half-shekel to the Mishkan (Sanctuary) and later…
“The people said to Aharon, ‘Make us a god who will lead us because…
It was finally Friday afternoon, almost time for Shabbat and some long overdue rest.…
It’s hard to be rich. You can end up having the feeling that people…
Meir Elkabas discusses this week’s Torah parsha, Parshat Ki Tisa. In this Torah portion, we learn that without the sin of the Golden Calf, the Jews never would have learned the 13 Attributes of Mercy. This shows us that no matter how far we fall, we can use that fall to come back to Hashem and reveal a higher level of compassion. It is important to connect to a true Tzaddik because his teachings will help us come back to Hashem. Never give up!
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Chaim Kramer – Parshat Ki Tisa – Part II
by Chaim Kramerby Chaim KramerIn Part II of Chaim Kramer’s video class on the Torah portion of Ki Tisa, he speaks about Shabbat, the Golden Calf, the evil inclination, Moses, the 13 Attributes of Mercy, evidence of God’s Mercy, levels of perfection and more.
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Chaim Kramer – Parshat Ki Tisa – Part I
by Chaim Kramerby Chaim KramerPart 1 of Chaim Kramer on the Torah portion, Ki Tisa, by the light of Breslov Chassidut. In part one, he talks about the mitzvah of shekalim and giving charity in general, being part of the Jewish nation, and appropriate self-esteem. Next he speaks about physical and spiritual cleanliness. Other topics include the incense, holiness, elements of prayer, sacrifices, Beit Hamikdash, and more.
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