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parshat Vayeira
- FaithJoyReadRedemptionShabbatWeekly Torah Portion
Lot’s Matzah and Salt
by Meir Elkabasby Meir ElkabasDespite being depicted as a flawed character, Lot demonstrates a remarkable dedication to welcoming…
This week’s Parshah is Vayeira, “And HaShem appeared to Avraham.” This occurred on the…
Based on Sichot Haran (Rabbi Nachman’s Wisdom) #22 “When God destroyed the cities of…
Based on Likutey Moharan I, Lesson #244 Isn’t it enough that a person is…
What is reality? Most of us are convinced that what we see with our…
What is so special about the test of the Akeida, that to this day…
Video & Audio: Rav Elchonon Tauber class #25 on why we should wake up and…
In Parsha Vayeira, Hashem tells Avraham to take his son Yitzhak, travel to the…
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