No matter how much we try to escape from the evil inclination, it continually…
In the Mikeitz, the parsha begins by telling us that Pharaoh had a dream…
If we pay attention and do it right, wearing clothing is a big tikkun…
When everything closes in around us, when we are trying to do something and…
Who doesn’t want to be honored and respected? Everyone wants honor, but who decided…
In this week’s parsha, Moshe Rabbeinu challenged Hashem to redeem His people! This is the story of Moshe standing before the arrogant Pharaoh and his sorcerers. Rabbi Chaim Kramer explains the importance of holiness–when we believe in our own holiness then things are good. However, when we give up our holiness, the power goes to the other side.
We learn about the power of the snake–the power of the poison mouth–and its expression today, in the spreading poison of the media, the UN, other countries, and others who want to take Israel from the Jewish people and destroy the Jewish nation.
A fascinating, relevant lesson for us today.Like this video? Then please, LIKE, SHARE, and SUBSCRIBE!
Immediately right after the plague of the Firstborn, Pharaoh and the Egyptians surrendered unconditionally.…
We have reached our goal!!! Yes! 148 partners joined together in this amazing effort,…
This week on BreslovCampus, Meir Elkabas discusses the Torah portion, Parshat Vaeira, with insights from Rebbe Nachman of Breslov and Reb Noson. In this parsha, we learn that Hashem sends seven of the ten plagues into Egypt, but Pharoah is just not going to listen. So too in life, people just get used to difficult situations and don’t listen. What’s needed for real change? Keep on praying!
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- ShabbatWatchWeekly Torah Portion
Parshat Shemot–Let My People Go/Life’s Tests
by Meir Elkabasby Meir ElkabasThis week on BreslovCampus, Meir Elkabas discusses the Torah portion, Parshat Shemot, which with insights from Rebbe Nachman of Breslov and Reb Noson. In this parsha, Moshe Rabbeinu asks Pharoah to “Let my people go.” Instead, Pharoah hardens his heart and makes it even more difficult for the Children of Israel to leave, doubling their work and trying to crush their spirit. This was a test for Moshe from Hashem. Rebbe Nachman says these are the tests of the Tzaddikim.
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