Even if you are young, this sentence is aimed at you. There are old…
Sacred Time Sivan #2 A New Beginning It is customary to read the book…
Hold On! New Beginnings Meshivat Nefesh #42 No matter what I’ve done, no matter what…
A Sacred Time – Adar #9 Start Fresh “This month shall be the first…
Why do we need sleep? Learn the deeper meaning of why we sleep and change your mind–literally!
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Strive for renewal. How? By purifying your heart. Meir Elkabas explains Rebbe Nachman’s powerful lesson.
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What is life? Most of us would probably say life means living day after…
Hold On! Instant Renewal Meshivat Nefesh #45 Starting again isn’t always so easy, but Rebbe…
This week’s parashah begins by recording our nation’s first descent into the darkness of…
BRI’s NarrowBridge.Org sends out twice weekly inspiration providing a regular dose of hope, meaning…