Avraham bought the Cave of Machpelah in Hebron in which to bury Sarah, where Adam and Eve were laid to rest.Then, Eliezer was charged with finding a wife for Yitzchak, and he found Rivka. Chaim Kramer shares Rebbe Nachman’s insights into the weekly Torah portion.
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Time: Thursday, 8:00 PM EST – 5:00 PST
Date: Oct. 29 – Dec. 17 (6 weeks)
Level: Beginner through Advanced
Text: Kitzur Likutey Moharan Lesson 6, Likutey Moharan Volume II, Lesson 87Rebbe Nachman’s approach to marriage is eye-opening—and radically different than the rest of the world’s marriage experts.
Recently I read an abysmal statistic. According to a 2014 PEW Research Center study,…
Rebbe Nachman of Breslov taught… Love…means giving unreservedly of oneself to others. This defines…