The 5 Senses: Pathways to Spirituality
Time: Sunday, 11:00 AM EST – 6:00 PM Israel Time
Date: April 26 – June 14 (8 weeks)
Level: All
Text: Likutey Mohoran: Lesson 21; Rebbe Nachman’s Stories: The Seven Beggars
Note: Text will be posted on the whiteboard for students who want to follow along, but students will be able to keep up with the ideas even without textual skills. There will be plenty of time allotted to answer your questions.
This course is for women only.
Mediterranean blue. Fragrant jasmine. A heartfelt niggun. Chocolate. Baby’s skin.
Why do we have five senses? Wouldn’t one be enough to experience the world and express our innermost selves? Each of our senses offers a unique two-way portal which enables our soul to connect to the world. In this intriguing course, Yehudis Golshevsky will discuss Rebbe Nachman’s insights into the deeper purpose and expression of our senses and sensory experiences through Torah lessons and tales.